What a time we’re living in. My son’s school district announced yesterday that they would be closing until their scheduled spring break, totalling 4 weeks away from school. 4 WEEKS. This mama is a little nervous about that, however, since having children I’ve been a huge fan of precaution, and even extra caution. So, bring […]
What’s your joyful? Preparing for the post holiday letdown
It’s that wondrous time of year wherein toxic positivity is pushed more than usual. You know, everything should be magical, all problems and existing issues are supposed to disappear, and all concerns are expected to be washed away when the local radio station starts playing nothing but holiday music. Who can be upset whilst listening […]
Redefining Self Care
What images come to mind for you when I say, “self care”? Massages, pedicures, and sweet treats, oh my? I am so sorry (not sorry) to be the one to tell you that these things are NOT self care, friend. Don’t beat yourself up, it’s an easy mistake to make! This is the definition that […]
The Post Holiday Bounce Back
You’re feeling it, the holiday shenanigans and excitement have all but stopped. It’s quiet, it’s bare (why does my house look so empty now that all the decorations have been taken down, it’s the same exact house as it was pre-holiday??), you’ve returned to work, the kids are back at school. You may have emotionally […]
Relationship Survival and Connectedness During the Holidays
‘Tis the season, amiright ya’ll?! We are in full holiday swing, folks! It’s exciting, I know, but there are some things to remain mindful of amid all the excitement and chaos, including our relationships. As a follow up to a segment I did for The Honest Weigh, see below for ways to boost the connection […]